
Mythology of the Maidens

The maidens represent making love with Mother Nature. Generosity. They are the ever-flowing well of healing; the refreshing and rejuvenating waters available to all, joyous, sensuous, the powerful expression of the yearly seasons. 

Maidens are also Muses, kindling the desire in humans to honor and live with reverence for the Earth. To protect Her with our lives. We are always in courtship with the Earth, and the Maidens remind us that, if we are in right action and service, we are making love with Mother Nature. The maidens are in service to the Goddess Sovereignty, the Earth herself. If the Maidens are respected, Sovereignty is respected, and if Sovereignty is respected and protected, the Earth heals and thrives. 

To be a Maiden is not to only represent a chronological stage of life. At Vinotok, any women may choose to be a maiden again and again and again. Thus, our view of Maiden is the opposite of ageist, or patriarchal and socially-projected ideals. Any woman can choose to be any age she wishes. And of course, the Maidens of the village are the major voice for the observation of and selection of the yearly Green Man. 

By Marcie Telander, Vinotok Founder & Godmother

Maidens Activity: Blessing + Beckoning Prayer Flag

This year Vinotok is particularly focused not only on what we need to banish from the Wastelands, but how we want to rise up out of this fire.  

The practice of hanging prayer flags originates in Tibet, with the belief that when the wind blows the flags, the blessings written on them spread throughout the land. For this, we call on you, each individual in the community, to make your own Blessing & Beckoning Prayer Flag, to be a beacon for the future we want to create and to offer gratitude and blessings to our community and our place. 


1. Cut an 8 x 11 rectangle out of any kind of green cloth you can find.

2. Leaving two inches at the top, decorate your rectangle with blessings and beckonings. These could be wishes, pleas and visions for the community and for the planet as we move forward into a brighter future.

3. Decorate with markers, paint, sewn objects, beads, bits of fabric–whatever strikes your creativity. Then, anytime between Thursday, September 16 and Wednesday morning, September 22, visit the Fire Circle at the Crossroads at the 4-Way Stop and hang your Beckoning & Blessing Prayer Flag on the line provided. 

4. Vinotok will sew all of our Blessing & Beckoning Prayer Flags together, rising from the flames of transformation, to call in balance, reciprocity and goodness for our community and the world.

Poem for the Maidens

Maiden of deep winter, begin the dance with Earth
Muse of doorways, beginnings and transitions
Made of Wolf Moon
Snowdrops and Garnets
Consistency on the coldest nights

Maiden of snowfall, ice consort of the Wild
Muse of purification, refining and breathing
Made of Storm Moon
Violets and Amethysts
Healing and intention in the heart of winter

Maiden of lengthening days, lover of Green Man
Muse of courage, arousal and momentum
Made of Worm Moon
Daffodil and Aquamarine
Release with the arrival of Spring

Maiden of openings, chosen one of Nature
Muse of abundance, tenderness and simplicity
Made of Pink Moon
Daisy and Diamond
Innocence paired with romance as we thaw

Maiden of growth, she who honors the Ancestors
Muse of new life, success and plenty
Made of Flower Moon
Lily of the Valley and Emerald
Devotee of creation, carry us to our potential

Maiden of the Summer Solstice, burning passion of youth
Muse of energy, creativity and fruitfulness
Made of Mead Moon
Pearl and Honeysuckle
She of radiant sun, rejuvenate our soil

Maiden of sultry weather, guide us back toward the Earth
Muse of devotion, ardor and joy
Made of Buck Moon
Larkspur and Ruby
Create for us new heights of contentment

Maiden of triumphs, rekindle our love for Wild
Muse of fortune, renewal and remembrance
Made of Grain Moon
Poppy and Peridot
You who favor fortune, favor us

Maiden of equal light and dark, spin your Green Man
Muse of rejuvenation, magic and rest
Made of Harvest Moon
Aster and Sapphire
Possess and pursue the most scared of things

Maiden of reaping, gather Nature at your breast
Muse of prophesy, harmony and strength
Made of Hunter Moon
Calendula and Opal
Prepare for the dark cold to come

Maiden of awaited renewal, on your arm Elders rest
Muse of honesty, forgiveness and love
Made of Mourning Moon
Chrysanthemum and Topaz
Make certain we know the light will return

Maiden of the final dance, shine on the longest night
Muse of snowfall, reflection and silence
Made of Cold Moon
Holly and Turquoise
Be the bit of sunlight left

Anna Claire, Wordsmythe