Banishing & Beckoning

Each year at Vinotok we banish our grumps by writing them on slips of paper, stuffing Grump Boxes stashed throughout town, and burning them with the actual Grump (assuming he’s found guilty at the Trial). This year, you may still stuff Grump Boxes with your grumps, those things you wish to Banish both inside and out, and transform them into Beckonings for the future.

At the Fire Circle at the Four-Way where the Crossroads meet, the Grump itself will be installed on Sunday, September 13, in an artistic display never before seen. Throughout Vinotok Week you will be able to walk the stone labyrinth, to place your Banishment Grumps into the Grump itself (instructions on the Grumps & Gratitude form found at one of the altars on the Vinotok Pilgrimage) and hang your Beckoning Prayer Flag (instructions found at one of the altars on the Vinotok Pilgrimage). There is also a ceremonial archway for you to conduct your own personal handfasting ritual (instructions found at one of the altars on the Vinotok Pilgrimage).

What do we need to get rid of, banish and burn from our individual and collective midst? And then … because it is so important to have something that rises from the flames … what do we want to manifest in the future? Banish and Beckon.

In Crested Butte only. Please note there will be no public burning of the Grump. But please be assured, your Grumps, collectively with the rest of the community’s, will be transformed. For our faraway friends, supportive materials will be found on our website on burning your own grumps at home. Free.

Feast Blessing

Dearest friends, neighbors, brothers and sisters

As we prepare our community feast apart from one another, let us collectively take a moment to honor the flora and fauna from which this feast came.  The bounty before us was not artificially designed nor was it created in a factory but was woven by the Winds, Rains, Sun and Earth.  May the great animating forces that raised the plants from seed, raise us to ripeness so that we may one day be consumed, raising a mightier being to greatness.  And may the four legged creatures who were slain for this meal continue their journey through us so that we may grow to one day be devoured by life itself; continuing our own journey through a greater vessel.  “Oat and corn, oats and corn, all that dies shall be reborn.  Vine and grain, vine and grain, all that falls shall rise again.”  Let us rejoice in being a part of this sacred cyclical dance of life and death.  Our sweet bodies are not an isolated, independent event. No. We are made of the Winds, Rains, Sun and Earth!  The fruits and flesh before us will soon be woven into our being.  So as we enjoy this great feast, let there be a song of gratitude within our hearts and words of praise upon our lips. 

With love,

Your Green Man 

Brandon Johanns